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Ready for your own Penguin Plushie?

Fill out the information below and we'll try getting to you as soon as possible!

Keep in mind that there's currently only one person making all the plushies, so you might be placed on a waitlist. We'll email you when your plushie is ready, so watch out for an email from!

Waitlist Order Form

Thanks you for your interest!

How the ordering process works

1. You complete the waitlist form
2. When I reach your name on the list, I'll email you to let you know your penguin plushie(s) are ready
3. I'll ask for the shipping address and let you know the shipping price ($5-$10)
4. Then I'll send you my PayPal or Venmo
5. Once we see the payment in our account, we'll ship the penguin plushie to you!

What to know before you order:

Cost of a single plushie without shipping: $8
(This $8 is what we donate or use for community projects)
Cost of shipping: Typically $5-$10
(If it exceeds $10, we'll pay the remainder out of the donation amount, unless you'd like to pay the full shipping price as a donation.)
Unfortunately, we don't take orders from outside the US.
(We just can't afford the shipping price yet.)
The cost of one penguin plushie shouldn't exceed $18.
(The end price is $8 plus up to $10 shipping.)
We take payment via Paypal or Venmo. If there's another service like this you'd prefer, let us know.
(The cost to collect payments online with credit/debit card information on this website is $415 a year. To pay for that, we'd have to sell over 50 penguin plushies a year, and that's not counting expenses of material. We aren't there yet.)
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